Financial Support
Our ministries exist through the generous giving of participants and members. Every donation helps us to further our mission of "Connecting People to God through Jesus Christ!"
There are multiple ways to send your financial support to either Faith or First;
1) Drop your check or cash off at the church during normal office hours.
2) Drop your check, secured in an envelope, into the drop box mounted on the wall outside the church office doors. Both churches have one.
3) Give online! Below we have links to both church's online giving pages.
There are multiple ways to send your financial support to either Faith or First;
1) Drop your check or cash off at the church during normal office hours.
2) Drop your check, secured in an envelope, into the drop box mounted on the wall outside the church office doors. Both churches have one.
3) Give online! Below we have links to both church's online giving pages.
When using the online giving page, you do not need to sign up, but if you set up a recurring donation, it is suggested you do sign-up and create an account, so that you will be able to manage your giving. If you do not want to set up an account, and wish to make a change, you will need to contact the church office to request the changes be made for you.