Children. Our Future.
For our children aged 3 years (must be potty-trained) through 5th grade, we have Sunday school classes and special activities that occur throughout the year. Please have a look below at how your children can connect here at Faith!
For more information or if you have questions about Sunday School or Adventure Club, please contact our the church office. [email protected] or at 561-738-1902.
For more information or if you have questions about Sunday School or Adventure Club, please contact our the church office. [email protected] or at 561-738-1902.
KID QUEST (Sunday mornings)
For our children aged 3 years (must be potty-trained) through 5th grade, we offer KID QUEST! Which is a program designed to teach children about Jesus through Music, Movement and a Message.
This program occurs at both First at 9 a.m., and at Faith at 10:30 a.m. Children stay with parents through the end of the Children's Chat. Immediately after, the Children's Ministry Team will lead children to Kid Quest. Parents pick up children after the service- from the Sunday school classroom at First, and the Nursery at Faith. |
SERVING GOD BY HELPING OUR CHILDREN: Our programs can only exist with the help of those who wish to help lead children to Jesus, our Forever Friend! If you have experience with kids and/or event planning, please contact our church office to discuss how you can be part of the team! (Note: volunteers must first pass a national background check).
TEENS: We provide community service hours!! You are welcome to assist with as many or as few of our events and activities as you'd like.
TEENS: We provide community service hours!! You are welcome to assist with as many or as few of our events and activities as you'd like.
Teaching kids that "Jesus, our Forever Friend, is there through all our ups & downs."